Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In which, Humpty Dumpty-like, I invent a new meaning for a word

I love my family. I even love my husband's family. Sort of. But this coming week we are having visit after visit, and I. have. had. it.

Last night my brother, my sister, and her entourage joined us for dinner. (For "entourage" read "spouse or spouse-like person, plus all offspring."

Talk talk talk laugh laugh laugh, big fun, right?

Today my father-in-law showed up to spend the day and night with us.

Thursday my mother, my other brother and his entourage, and my sister and her entourage are coming here to celebrate my sister's birthday.

On Friday we're going out to dinner with two old friends and their entourages.

On Saturday I pack. And Sunday I drive back to Newtopia.

People, where were you for the last three weeks when I was in the vacation doldrums and it was--maybe--a little too peace-and-quiet around here?

Now just go away. Now. Because when you weren't visiting me, I went to the library and got many books. And DVDs. And I want to finish them. Especially I want to finish reading this:

I had to take and board the frigate Library to win this prize. Avast, ye scurvy lubberly relatives, and a pox on your entourages! I've got reading to do.


  1. Dear Poppy,

    My in-laws have been living with us (primarily in my kitchen) for TEN YEARS! This is absolutely true.

    Oh, my, I have evolved so far from I. have. had. it.

    But, thankfully, they're easy to entertain.

  2. Ooops, too many commas again. That keeps happening when my dander is up.


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xxx, Poppy.