Saturday, January 19, 2008

More consumer lust.

OK, I'm still madly in love with that AT&T Tilt cell phone ... and if I still love in a couple of weeks, my loving spouse has volunteered to buy it for me for Valentine's Day.

But today, I went furniture shopping.

OH MY GOD I am sick in love with some of the stuff at Carson Pirie Scott's furniture gallery. The Sherrill stuff is really nice. And the Hickory Chair? Is a wet dream.

Also, I am in love with the furniture salesman who took me around and showed me stuff. This guy was opinionated and knowledgeable, naturally he was. He's a salesman. But what was of primary importance, he was a first-class ass kisser. I mean hey, what's with these salesmen who don't kiss the customer's ass? Why do they think I go shopping in a real brick and mortar store in the first place, when you can go crazy shopping on line?

It's the ass-kissing, stupid.

And oh, the possibilities! I wanted a three-cushion, traditional sofa.

But which fabric do I like? The beige damask?

The red jacquard?

Or do I want to go completely mental and get green leather?

So then I came home with all these fabric samples and proceeded to have a lovely time draping them over every square inch of our uncomfortable reupholstered rummage sale love seat. And it turns out my husband and I liked the same fabric. And hated the same stuff, too!

It's kismet. We were meant to be. And I was fated--FATED, I tell you--to spend every dime of his money on new sofas. And side tables. And lamps. And also, I don't know about you, but I'm sick of my window treatments. And the rugs. Do I need new rugs? blackbird, what do you think? (I know you've never seen my house, but I'll do whatever you say.)

And if you like to live vicariously/get big furniture thrills--check out the Hickory Chair website. You can build your own sofa. And yes, there goes the rest of this evening.


  1. Yep, ass kissing is really the major trait you want in your True Love.

    If you need help spending money, holler. I'm really good at blowing the limit on other people's credit cards.

  2. Inxnay on the red jacquard.
    Start with the rug and work your way up. But a pattern like that on a three seater will kill you to work with.

    Tell me about your present needn't start researching handmade antique persians, but, under a Hickory three seater? you don't want Ikea.

  3. We're strictly IKEA here, so I'm no help!

  4. I have a feeling that green leather sofa is not really Poppy Buxom style, but I heart it.

  5. I am having a lovely time living vicariously through your lust! Post some pictures, won't you, once you've actually purchased these lovelies.

  6. your children are clearly past the spilling-half-a-gallon-of-chocolate-milk on the furniture stage, or having exploding diapers. LUCKY YOU.

    The leather looks uncomfortable. BBird is right about the damask. I love the first one but seriously difficult to keep clean.

  7. I heart*heart*heart that green leather sofa.

  8. Oh the green sofa--I WANT it. Lustfully WANT it.

    And I ADORE ass-kissing salespeople. If my ass isn't kissed? I leave. Doesn't matter what I'm shopping for or where I'm at--because when I DO shop, I'm on a mission with money in hand and feel I deserve acknowledgment and flattery and their careful advice.

    And in my experience, some furniture stores excel in ass-kissing. So nice.

  9. I'm voting for the beige damask. You get a very subdued pattern that will go with anything else you fall in love with. And a sofa is just too big to get tired of the pattern on it. Can you order custom slipcovers for it? I have three sets for my sofa and I rotate them during the year(procured during my time at Laura Ashley). (Even better - they're washable.)

  10. 1. I too am in the grip of furniture lust. It's the only thing making my bits go even remotely ping.

    And yes I know that's way too much information.

    2. I'm thinking of getting our lounges recovered - which will probably cost me almost as much as a new lounge suite. Go figure.

    3. Start with the rug and work up.

    4. Get a plain fabric lounge and shzoosh it up with patterned cushions. Far cheaper to get new cushion covers than an entire lounge reupholstered.

    5. I'm off to build myself a lounge.


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xxx, Poppy.