Saturday, February 02, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Carnival--Hermes scarf--We have a winner!

I kept track of the responses so it would be strictly fair. Susie Sunshine only got one entry (even though she posted two comments) and Babelbabe wasn't entering, so I took hers out of the computation. I entered everyone else, even Kim, although she wanted to hold out for my eldest child.

I used for the drawing. Here's what it said:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-02-02 02:51:19 UTC

So the winner is:

Number 14

Miss Britt!!!


  1. *pouting*

    Well, I do hope the winner will post a photo of herself wearing her divine new scarf.

    And now I'm off to check Hermes scarves on eBay...

  2. Congratulations, Miss Britt!


  3. Oh my God!!!!!

    No freaking way!!!

    I never win anything!!!!!!!

    You just made my whole weekend!!!




Gentle Readers:

For the time being, I have turned off comment moderation. Please don't spam; it's not nice.

xxx, Poppy.